Lost In Lexicon By Pendred Noyce

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison - Online With Andrea
Lost In Lexicon: An Adventure in Words and Numbers by Pendred Noyce is a wonderful chapter book. While the target age is 9-12 I think that this is an enjoyable read for anyone. It is intelligent, mysterious and fun. It challenges the mind to think and then there is the spirit of adventure that adds a spark to anyone who enjoys the excitment of exploring new places and new things. What I like about it is that it assumes that the reader is intelligent. It inspires us to ask questions, to explore possibilities and to find the answers. It has all of the elements that make curling up and reading a book a very special experience. Lost in Lexicon speaks to the mind with intelligence and speaks to the heart with delight. The illustrations by Joan Charles add color and life to the interesting characters in this adventure in words and numbers. Lost in Lexicon would be a wonderful film or a perfect story for a television series. For more information on Lost in Lexicon visit www.tumblehomepress.com, wwwlostinlexicon.com and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Author Pendred Noyce and Illustrator Joan Charles.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Joan Charles, Lost In Lexicon, Online With Andrea, Pendred Noyce