Behind Our Faces Thoughts And Reasonings of Suicide

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison - Online With Andrea
Behind Our Faces Thoughts And Reasonings Of Suicide by Letricia Hendrix is a compelling book based on the true experiences of the author. It offers insights into the dark world of depression and provides a glimpse into what it is like to want to give up on life. This book is an important resource for any one who has suffered from depression and/or contemplated suicide. I am grateful that Letricia Hendrix was able to write this book, to share her story which is a source of hope to those who are struggling with this issue and the loved ones who are standing by feeling helpless grappling with this tough situation. Behind Our Faces is important because it leaves us with a ray of hope. We learn that regardless of any challenges we face at any given moment that the time will come when this time of despair will be something in the past. If you know of any one who is deeply depressed and/or contemplating suicide please remember that there is help. Contact the suicide hot line in your area for more information. In the United States the suicide hot line number is 1-800 273-8255. If you live inside or outside the United States contact IFRED International Foundation for Research and Education and Depression – . To learn more about Letricia Hendrix visit her website at and listen to the Onlinewithandrea interview Overcoming Depression and Thoughts of Suicide with Letricia Hendrix and Integrative Psychiatrist Dr. Patricia Gerbarg.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Depression, Letricia Hendrix, Online With Andrea, Suicide Prevention
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