What Color Is Your Brain By Sheila N. Glazov

A Refective Review By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
What Color Is Your Brain by Sheila N. Glazov is a clever, fun and fascinating approach to understanding yourself and others. The four colors in the brain spectrum are yellow, blue, green and orange. Understanding brain color will help you to recognize your strengths and perspectives which will enable you to have more positive relationships with your family, friends, and co-workers by helping you to make a more harmonious connection. Some might say that the key to improving communication break downs is developing a greater understanding of self and a greater tolerance and appreciation for others. Despite our similarities or our differences we are all in this together and that’s what makes this world vibrant and colorful. I love rainbows. I invite you and encourage you to read What Color Is Your Brain and take the quiz so you can determine your brain color. Ten percent of the proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. For more information on What Color Is Your Brain please visit http://www.sheilaglazov.com/, http://www.whatcolorisyourbrain.com/
and listen to what Author Sheila Glazov has to say in the Online With Andrea interview with host Andrea Garrison.
What Color Is Your Brain by Sheila N. Glazov is a clever, fun and fascinating approach to understanding yourself and others. The four colors in the brain spectrum are yellow, blue, green and orange. Understanding brain color will help you to recognize your strengths and perspectives which will enable you to have more positive relationships with your family, friends, and co-workers by helping you to make a more harmonious connection. Some might say that the key to improving communication break downs is developing a greater understanding of self and a greater tolerance and appreciation for others. Despite our similarities or our differences we are all in this together and that’s what makes this world vibrant and colorful. I love rainbows. I invite you and encourage you to read What Color Is Your Brain and take the quiz so you can determine your brain color. Ten percent of the proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. For more information on What Color Is Your Brain please visit http://www.sheilaglazov.com/, http://www.whatcolorisyourbrain.com/
and listen to what Author Sheila Glazov has to say in the Online With Andrea interview with host Andrea Garrison.
Labels: Andrea R. Garrison, onlinewithandrea, Self Help, Sheila N. Glazov, The Brain, The Mind