Dad,The Tooth Fairy Didn't Come

A Reflective Review By Andrea R. Garrison - Online With Andrea
Dad, The Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come Written and Illustrated by Jerry Begly is a hysterically funny children's book. I absolutely enjoyed reading this book as much as I loved Dr Seuss when I was a child. The thing that is great about this book is that it is not only a delightful read for children but it is also a great read for adults. Jerry Begly has an amazing ability to speak to children and adults. I do not want to give the story away so I encourage you to read the book and enjoy every moment of it. Also it is based on a true story. If you are an adult it will bring you back to those magical days when you looked for the tooth fairy and then of course if you are now a parent you can relate to introducing the tooth fairy to your children. Dad, The Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come is classic and should keep everyone who reads it smiling and showing their teeth or the missing ones. To learn more about Jerry Begly visit and listen to the Online With Andrea interview.
Labels: Andrea R. Garrison, Children's Books, Dad, Jerry Begly, Online With Andrea, onlinewithandrea, The Tooth Fairy Didn't Come
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