Red Shambhala By Andrei Znamenski

A Reflective Review By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
Red Shambhala Magic, Prophecy and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia by Dr. Andrei Znamenski is a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. It reads like a thrilling page turning novel yet the events in this book are all true. I am thankful for the list of major characters because I referred to it a couple of times when I was reading the book.. There are so many fascinating characters that are featured in Red Shambhala that covered quite a span from the 1800’s – 1960. The list of major characters include Alexander Barchenko, Gleb Bokii, Ja-Lama, Nicholas Roerich, Helena Roerich, George Roerich, Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg, Boris Shumatsky, Sergei Borisov, Elbek-Dorji Rinchino, Agvan Dorzhiev. Their names alone are intriguing so just wait until you read this book. Red Shambhala definitely is a book that lays the ground work for an exciting film. There is no need to create drama when you have true stories like this to tell. For more information please visit and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Andrei Znamenski.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Andrea R. Garrison, Andrei Znamenski, Online With Andrea, Quest Books, Red Shambhala
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