The Shaman And Ayahuasca

A Reflective Review By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
The Shaman And Ayahuasca by Don Jose Campos is a beautiful book filled with so many insights from this enlightened Soul from the Amazon. This book is so special it is really difficult to express in words. Don Jose Campos clearly states "that books are ok but the understanding of Ayahuasca will not be in words...the spirit of Ayahuasca will come to you through my intention. My energy for this is what a Shaman does. He transmits energy and healing through his songs, through his presence and with the help of Spirit called Icaros." We learn about the healing power of the Ayahuasca, how it has been used by Shamans from the Amazon for many years, and we learn about our connection to all life. This book will take you on a wonderful journey. It reads like a poem and it feels like a song. It has such a calming healing feeling about it. It is a book that you can read again and again and each time you will learn something new. In addition to the book there is a wonderful film produced by Michael Wiese from Divine Arts Media that is available on DVD. For more information visit and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Michael Wiese and Shaman Don Jose Campos.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Ayahuasca, Divine Arts, Don Jose Campos, Media, Michael Wiese, Online With Andrea, onlinewithandrea, The Shaman
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