Dancing With Angels A Transplant Odyssey

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
Dancing With Angels A Transplant Odyssey by Elizabeth A. Pratt offers a very compelling testimony on the importance of organ donation. This book was truly an eye opener for me because I had not given this subject matter much thought because like so many others I did not realize how much it is needed. The fact is that organ donation does save lives. While it is difficult to experience the passing of a loved one it is a beautiful and very comforting thought to know that their heart still beats creating a pulse for the life of another. Elizabeth Pratt lived her life as an active, health conscious athletic beautiful dancer. So it was actually very surprising to hear that this vibrant energetic person needed a heart transplant. Elizabeth Pratt is here today because she was able to get a new heart from her donor Patricia. In the book Elizabeth shares her heart warming experiences meeting her donor’s family. Elizabeth not only describes her experiences but she also shares the stories of others who have received transplants. Dancing With Angels is a comprehensive book that will tell you pretty much every thing you need to know about organ donation and transplants. In addition to the book Elizabeth Pratt has teamed up with Bobby Broome and Music Row Records to produce a wonderful Dancing With Angels CD with ten beautiful songs. For more information on Elizabeth Pratt, organ donation and transplants please visit www.dancing-with-angels.org and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Elizabeth.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Dancing With Angels, Elizabeth A. Pratt, Heart Transplant, Kidney Transplant, onlinewithandea, Organ Donation
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