Everything's Okay By Alesia Shute

By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
Everything’s Okay By Alesia Shute is an amazing true story of determination and survival. At the age of 7 Alesia was diagnosed with cancer. She survived six major surgeries that had never been tested on a child. As a child she endured countless hours of pain and months of hospitalization. Alesia grew up quickly and adjusted to being sickly as a way of life. As you read her incredible story you will experience her journey with growing up, struggling in school, boys, dating and marriage. Today everything is truly okay for Alesia Shute. She is a healthy happy wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, philanthropist, and much more. She is an inspiration for all of us. I am glad that she is here today to share her story that is a very helpful guide for anyone dealing with cancer. All of the profits from this book go to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. For more information on Alesia Shute visit www.everythingsokaybook.com and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Alesia.
Labels: Alesia Shute, Andrea Garrison, Cancer, Childhood Cancer, Children's Hospital, Everything's OKay, onlinewithandrea
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