Carla Collins Offers Her Hysterically Funny View Of The World

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison – Online With Andrea
When I saw the title of this book, Angels Vampires & Douche Bags I laughed instantly and immediately started reading the book and I did not stop until I finished reading it. Of course it is always helpful to read a book quickly when it is 135 pages verses 600 but I must say that this was such an enjoyable read. Actually most of the topics covered by Carla in this book are heavy and pretty serious yet I was able to take the journey with her with a smile on my face. If you want a definition of what it means to be an angel, a vampire or a douche bag this is the book to read. According to Carla we all at some point in life experience elements of all three whether it is by our own hand or the hands of others. On the back of the book cover it say’s, “ Attract more angels into your life, control your vampires, and keep all the douche bags at bay. Angels, Vampires and Douche Bags is original, edgy, uplifting and laugh-out loud funny.” In my opinion it is all true. If you need a good laugh with some helpful tips on how to get through some tough times with a sense of humor then you will want to read this book. Even after reading about Carla’s life the mere thought of this book just makes me smile. To learn more about Carla Collins visit and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Carla.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Carla Collins, Comedy, onlinewithandrea, Self-Help
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