John Young Gives A Significant Reminder In His Song The Underside

A Reflective Review By Andrea R. Garrison - Online With Andrea
When I encountered John Young’s music pledge site while listening to his classic, thoughtful tunes I really wanted to interview him about his diverse career working with so many recording artists including Asia, Bonnie Tyler, and the Scorpions to name just a few. During the actual interview I found myself being drawn deeper into his original melodic compositions because of the heart opening stories behind the music. Music is a large part of my life. It is my best friend, a constant companion that I carry with me always. The interview with John reminded me about how instrumental music is to all life. It is a universal healer and a universal language that truly has the ability to inform, open our consciousness and touch our hearts. Music communicates with all of us in some way. I think about the moments in life when it was a song that led me out of despair and often times many of the musicians behind those songs that uplifted me were struggling to survive. It seems rather ironic that one person’s insights, heartache or pain can be a source for creating something that gives so much harmony and light to others.
When I was younger I remember my mom Mattie Pearl and my grandmother Sarah telling me about the joys of listening to music in church or people just getting together and picking up what ever they could find, washboards, etc. to make music, to create joy. It was not about having fancy instruments. It was about having fun and creating music from what ever you had. The important thing was that it was in your heart and from there you could create music that would make you clap your hands, snap your fingers, nod your head, and tap your feet. It was a wonderful escape for them as young children and young adults from the struggles of the South here in the United States. The pain was gone while the music was playing. Music has been the saving grace for many through out time.
As I listen to the Underside and I reflect on John’s moving story about being in first class on a plane and seeing the faces of poverty on the movie screen staring directly at the passengers. I am grateful that he created this touching song that reminds us of how important it is to remember those who are suffering and lacking in basic necessities. There is no escape from the truth, from the reality which is we are all connected and we must all collectively do what ever we can to reach out to help others. I truly do appreciate the understanding, the closeness, the harmony and the unity that is created in this world because of music. Just listening to the Underside has given me a special sacred time of introspection and reflection that is treasured because it took me outside of my busy world by gently nudging me to look at myself and to face the harsh reality of others that are having such a difficult time. Sometimes in our hurried world we get so caught up in ourselves that we forget about others who are less fortunate. The Underside inspires one to look with care and compassion at those who have so little and are in need of so much more. The Underside reminds us to never forget that we truly are all connected and it is up to all of us to make it so it is better for the whole rather than the few. I highly recommend that you take the time to listen to John Young’s work and make a pledge to see him live.
For more information on how you can bring John Young to your area visit To learn more about John Young and to hear the incredible stories behind his music listen to the Online With Andrea interview.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Asia, Bonnie Tyler, Entertainment, John Young, John Young Band, John Young Music, Music, onlinewithandrea, Scorpions
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