Trust Your Gut With Divine Intuition

Two Reviews by Andrea R. Garrison - onlinewithandrea
Trust Your Gut – How The Power Of Intuition Can Grow Your Business By Lynn A. Robinson
Trust Your Gut by Lynn A Robinson is a great resource whether you are in a small business or a large one. It will encourage you to tap into the inner source, the inner guide that will help you to make all of the right moves to grow your business. This book reveals how top business people tap into the inner CEO to win major accounts, inrease sales, productivity and resolve critical issues within the organization. It is filled with examples and gut truster tips that will help in any business situation. This book is a great read and the perfect guide to keep handy on the shelf to remind you to always trust your gut.
Divine Intuition – Your Guide to Creating a Life You Love By Lynn A.Robinson
Divine Intuition by Lynn A. Robinsion is a beautiful Dorling Kindersley book that brings us back to the inner source and resource that is within all of us. It often requires taking a quiet moment to be still and to listen in order to find the answers. When you tap into the divine intuition it is possible to create the life that you want just by discovering the answers within. Divine Intuition is a practical, tranquil guide with beautiful photographs and thoughtful quotes which reminds us all that what we want and need is within our heart. Divine Intuition takes us to the power source that lives in each of us so that all of us can truly create and manifest our dreams. Nothing is impossible when you use Divine Intuition. This book is a great gift that will help us understand and to truly know that we all have the ability to tap into this inner knowledge to find the answers to all that we seek. For more information on Lynn Robinson and her work please visit her website Also listen to Lynn’s in depth interview with Online With Andrea host Andrea Garrison.
Labels: Andrea Garrison, Divine Intuition, Intuition, Lynn Robinson, onlinewithandrea, Self Help, Spirituality, Trust Your Gut
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