Sunday, January 30, 2011

Alistair Conwell Explores The Audible Life Stream

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison - Online With Andrea

The Audible Life Stream Ancient Secret of Dying While Living by Alistair Conwell is a comprehensive guide that will help to bring a greater and deeper understanding to a topic that many would not attempt to explain. The Egyptian Book of the Dead and The Tibetan Book of the Dead both say that in order to learn how to live one must know how to die. Alistair explains that death is a mystery, a paradoxical obsession and something that we are terribly afraid of despite the fact that it is something that we will all face. How do we overcome our fears to embrace life and to live life? What is the audible life stream? How does one explain what is so beyond the physical? Alistair provides tangible examples to help you overcome your fears by exploring the process. Alistair say’s, “Certainly we are here as physical beings for a specific purpose. Until both sides of our total being are realized, we can never appreciate the full value of life or what it really means to be whole, complete and fully conscious.” For more information please visit and listen to the Online With Andrea interview with Alistair Conwell.

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