Who Does She Think She Is???

A Review By Andrea R. Garrison-onlinewithandrea
Directors: Pamela Tanner Boll, Nancy Kennedy
Length 84: Mins
A Mystic Artist Film Productions ©2008
Contact: whodoesshethinksheis.net
Who does she think she is? It is indeed a good question. In this case it is a wonderful, engaging documentary film featuring the Academy Award Winning Director Pamela Tanner Boll and her co-Director Nancy Kennedy who has assembled an outstanding crew to bring forth the stories, the work, the talent of five women artists. The women artists are Maye Torres a thirteenth generation Taosena, Janis Wunderlich a Mormon mother of five children, Mayumi Oda who was born in Japan right after World War II, Camille Musser, a painter living in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Angela Williams, mother of two nearly-teen-age girls who got married when she was 20. This film presents a glimpse of their incredible journey as they struggle with parenting, creativity, partnering, independence, economics, art, and their determination to be true to themselves. It is a heartwarming look at five different women artists who share so much though their backgrounds and geographic locations are miles apart. So Who Does She Think She Is? It is a portrait of women artists who have great stories to share. It is an important film and a must see for everyone because even though it is featuring women the stories go so far beyond gender to the core of all of us which is to have dreams, to manifest them and to make an honorable comfortable living doing what we love most. Who Does She Think She Is???It is a work of art and a must see in the theater. It is a great purchase to add to your DVD collection. Look for the DVD release this fall. Listen to my interview with Pamela Tanner Boll and Artist Camille Musser and watch the trailer. For more information visit www.whodoesshethinksheis.net
Directors: Pamela Tanner Boll, Nancy Kennedy
Length 84: Mins
A Mystic Artist Film Productions ©2008
Contact: whodoesshethinksheis.net
Who does she think she is? It is indeed a good question. In this case it is a wonderful, engaging documentary film featuring the Academy Award Winning Director Pamela Tanner Boll and her co-Director Nancy Kennedy who has assembled an outstanding crew to bring forth the stories, the work, the talent of five women artists. The women artists are Maye Torres a thirteenth generation Taosena, Janis Wunderlich a Mormon mother of five children, Mayumi Oda who was born in Japan right after World War II, Camille Musser, a painter living in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Angela Williams, mother of two nearly-teen-age girls who got married when she was 20. This film presents a glimpse of their incredible journey as they struggle with parenting, creativity, partnering, independence, economics, art, and their determination to be true to themselves. It is a heartwarming look at five different women artists who share so much though their backgrounds and geographic locations are miles apart. So Who Does She Think She Is? It is a portrait of women artists who have great stories to share. It is an important film and a must see for everyone because even though it is featuring women the stories go so far beyond gender to the core of all of us which is to have dreams, to manifest them and to make an honorable comfortable living doing what we love most. Who Does She Think She Is???It is a work of art and a must see in the theater. It is a great purchase to add to your DVD collection. Look for the DVD release this fall. Listen to my interview with Pamela Tanner Boll and Artist Camille Musser and watch the trailer. For more information visit www.whodoesshethinksheis.net
Labels: Andrea R. Garrison, Angela Williams, Artists, Camille Musser, Janis Underlich, Maye Torres, Mayumi Oda, onlinewithandrea, Pamela Tanner Boll, Who Does She Think She Is
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